Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Kitchen

So we went to Ikea and bought our new kitchen. But a picture of 10 boxes is so so boring, so here is a clip of Emily chasing a spot ligth at Ikea.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So what is a "Cliff"

Does anyone remember Cliff Barnes in Dallas? The Looooser. The dude who made all the misstakes and was the laugh stock of the 80s. In his honour any misstake made on our house is called a "Cliff".
Guess what. We have a lot of "Cliffs" in our house. But I won´t tell you what they are, you have to come and see for yourself!

Winter finally came

So winter finallly came and the water stretch between Lidingö and Storholmen frozen we are now crossing over on our "kicks" (yes, the wooden chair placed on two metal bits is called a "kick"). It takes us over the ice in no time at all. Here we are crossing with some good friends of ours. The Jägerskogs.

Our little Emily fell asleep on the "kick".

Lisa and Emily taking a look and visualising what may become of Emilys bedroom.

Lisa making sure that the bathroom is 100% water proof. It is a wooden house after all so we dont want any nasty surprises behind the tiles in a few months.