Thursday, November 16, 2006

"Let there be walls. And there were walls"

The last couple of days there has been so much happening I haven´t even had time to eat. No matter blogging. I even lost my USB-cable to transfer pics from my camera!
Anyway, our three handy-men from the north have been extremely productive and managed put down the floor boards, raise the walls, and put up the "takstoools"...the roof things...sorry don´t know that one in english.

The problem is that this time of the year there is hardely any daylight in Stockholm. Sun rises at 8.30 and sets around 3.30 so I don´t get to see the progress in daylight. November is probably the most miserable month of the year here. Wet, cold, windy, below zero, just above zero and mud, mud and mud.

No, we haven´t got snow yet. These winter pictures are from last year.
But too keep us in good mood and to keep hope alive we need think about winter and how beautiful Storholmen is in January and Febuary.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Traffic jam in our garden

So the house is "pre-fabricated" and delivered in parts. Like a gigantic lego-kit. (I really hope they included the instructions) The parts are scattered all over our garden and it´s hard even to imagine what the final result will be like.
And, like all building projects, our time schedule is off the charts, and so is our budget!!
Any donations can be paid into my bankaccount =)

Big day! House arrives...well house parts arrive

(Click on the pics for a larger version)

So the big day finally came. After a week of snow storm and low temperatues we thought that the whole thing would be cancelled, but the skies decided to stop crying for a day and the ferry from waxholm finally arrived. It wasn´t quite shallow enough so the poor captain couldn´t get closer than 2-3 metres. But it was enough for his excavator to lift bit by bit across the gap. A couple of nervous hours!
Good old Jörgen (our next door neighbour) transported all the bits and pieces all the way up too our garden. Well, perhaps I shouldn´t call it a garden, but a mud pit.
Three builders from Krylbo (small town in the north) came down and immediately started to put the joist beams (floor beams) in place.
Hopefully by the end of next week we will have a house!! Well...four walls, a roof and floor beams. Its a start.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mud mud mud

So, our beautiful garden has become a mud-pit. Well, it´s all about seeing the potential, having the vision clear. Otherwise it´s quite easy to become depressed! The old ute-dass is gone! That´s where the sewage-cleaner (reningsverk) will be. Foundation with a small entrance is also off the "to-do-list".